Publications on TAMC applications

Simon Blessing, Richard Greatbatch, Klaus Fraedrich, and Frank Lunkeit. Interpreting the atmospheric circulation trend during the last half of the 20th century: Application of an adjoint model. J. Climate., 21(18):4629-4646, September 2008. [ .pdf ]

Simon Blessing. Adjoint Modelling for Assimilation and Diagnosis on Climate Timescales. PhD thesis, University of Hamburg, Germany, April 2008. [ http | .pdf ]

Dacian N. Daescu. On the sensitivity equations of four-dimensional variational (4D-Var) data assimilation. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW, 136(8):3050-3065, AUG 2008. [ DOI | http ]

D.N. Daescu and I.M. Navon. Efficiency of a pod-based reduced second-order adjoint model in 4d-var data assimilation. Int. J. Numer. Methods Fluids, 53(6):985-1004, 2007. [ .pdf ]

D.K. Henze, A. Hakami, and J.H. Seinfeld. Development of the adjoint of geos-chem. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 7(9):2413-2433, 2007. [ .html ]

H. Elbern, A. Strunk, H. Schmidt, and O. Talagrand. Emission rate and chemical state estimation by 4-dimensional variational inversion. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 7(14):3749-3769, 2007. [ .html ]

M.A.M. Friedrichs, J.A. Dusenberry, L.A. Anderson, R.A. Armstrong, F. Chai, J.R. Christian, S.C. Doney, J. Dunne, M. Fujii, R. Hood, D.J. Mcgillicuddy, J.K. Moore, M. Schartau, Y.H. Spitz, and J.D. Wiggert. Assessment of skill and portability in regional marine biogeochemical models: Role of multiple planktonic groups. J. Geophys. Res.-Oceans, 112(C8), 2007. [ DOI ]

W.W. Symes. Reverse time migration with optimal checkpointing. Geophysics, 72(5):SM213-SM221, 2007.

J.F. Tjiputra, D. Polzin, and A.M.E. Winguth. Assimilation of seasonal chlorophyll and nutrient data into an adjoint three-dimensional ocean carbon cycle model: Sensitivity analysis and ecosystem parameter optimization. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 21(1), 2007. [ DOI | .pdf ]

FH Ruggiero, J Michalakes, T Nehrkorn, GD Modica, and XL Zou. Development and tests of a new distributed-memory MM5 adjoint. Journal Of Atmospheric And Oceanic Technology, 23(3):424-436, MAR 2006. [ http ]

D. J. Lea, T. W. N. Haine, and R. E. Gasparovic. Observability of the Irminger Sea circulation using variational data assimilation. Quarterly Journal Of The Royal Meteorological Society, 132(618, Part A):1545-1576, 2006. [ DOI | http ]

V. Bugnion, C. Hill, and P. Stone. An Adjoint Analysis of the Meridional Overturning Circulation in an Ocean Model. J. Climate, 19(15):3732-3750, 2006. [ DOI | http ]

V. Bugnion, C. Hill, and P. Stone. An Adjoint Analysis of the Meridional Overturning Circulation in a Hybrid Coupled Model. J. Climate, 19(15):3751-3767, 2006. [ DOI | http ]

U. Achatz and G. Schmitz. Shear and static instability of inertia-gravity wave packets: Short-term modal and nonmodal growth. J. Atmos. Sci., 63:397-413, 2006.

L. Petzold, S.T. Li, Y. Cao, and R. Serban. Sensitivity analysis of differential-algebraic equations and partial differential equations. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 30(10-12):1553-1559, 2006. [ .html | .pdf ]

X.W. Li, D.J. Mcgillicuddy, E.G. Durbin, and P.H. Wiebe. Biological control of the vernal population increase of calanus finmarchicus on georges bank. Deep-Sea Res. Part II-Top. Stud. Oceanogr., 53(23-24):2632-2655, 2006.

Uses the TAMC-generated adjoint of the marine biogeochemistry model described in Mcgillicuddy et al. (1998).

U. Achatz. On the role of optimal perturbations in the instability of monochromatic gravity waves. Physics Of Fluids, 17(9), 2005. [ DOI | http ]

D.B. Ozyurt and P.I. Barton. Cheap Second Order Directional Derivatives Of Stiff ODE Embedded Functionals. Siam Journal On Scientific Computing, 26(5):1725-1743, 2005. [ .pdf ]

M. Zupanski, D. Zupanski, T. Vukicevic, K. Eis, and T.I.V. Haar. CIRA/CSU Four-Dimensional Variational Data Assimilation System. Monthly Weather Review, 133(4):829-843, 2005. [ http ]

J.F. Müller and T. Stavrakou. Inversion of CO and NOx emissions using the adjoint of the IMAGES model. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 5:1157-1186, 2005. [ http ]

A. Sandu, W. Liao, G.R. Carmichael, D.K. Henze, and J.H. Seinfeld. Inverse modeling of aerosol dynamics using adjoints: Theoretical and numerical considerations. Aerosol Science And Technology, 39(8):677-694, 2005. [ DOI | http ]

S. Akella and I.M. Navon. A comparative study of the performance of high resolution advection schemes in the context of data assimilation. Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids, 51(7):719-748, 2005. [ http | .pdf ]

Pablo J. Grunmann. Variational Data Assimilation of Soil Moisture Information. PhD thesis, University of Maryland, College Park, 2005. [ .pdf ]

S. Blessing, K. Fraedrich, and F. Lunkeit. Climate diagnostics by adjoint modelling: A feasibility study. In H. Fischer, T. Kumke, G. Lohmann, G. Flöser, H. Miller, H. von Storch, and J. F. W. Negendank, editors, The KIHZ project: Towards a synthesis of Holocene Proxy Data and Climate Models, pages 383-396, Heidelberg, 2004. Springer. [ .pdf ]

S. Li and L. Petzold. Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis for Time-Dependent Partial Differential Equations with Adaptive Mesh Refinement. Journal Of Computational Physics, 198(1):310-325, 2004. [ .html | .pdf ]

D.N. Daescu and I.M. Navon. Adaptive observations in the context of 4d-var data assimilation. Meteorology And Atmospheric Physics, 85(4):205-226, 2004. [ .pdf ]

X.W. Li and C. Wunsch. An Adjoint Sensitivity Study Of Chlorofluorocarbons In The North Atlantic. Journal Of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 109(C1), 2004. [ http | .pdf ]

Shu-Chih Yang, M. Corazza, and E. Kalnay. Errors of the day, bred vectors and singular vectors: implications for ensemble forecasting and data assimilation. In 20th Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting/16th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction Symposium on Forecasting the Weather and Climate of the Atmosphere and Ocean. American Meteorological Society, 2004. [ http ]

N. Grieger, G. Schmitz, and U. Achatz. The dependence of the nonmigrating diurnal tide in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere on stationary planetary waves. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 66:733-754, 2004. [ http ]

Tangent linear and adjoint of a GCM have been generated by TAMC.

D.K. Henze, J.H. Seinfeld, W. Liao, A. Sandu, and G.R. Carmichael. Inverse Modeling of Aerosol Dynamics: Condensational Growth. J. Geophys. Res, 109(D14), 2004.

M. Losch and J. Schröter. Estimating the circulation from hydrography and satellite altimetry in the southern ocean: Limitations imposed by the current geoid models. Deep-Sea Research Part I-Oceanographic Research Papers, 51(9):1131-1143, 2004.

E. Slusanschi and H. M. Bücker. On the Limits of Current Implementations of Algorithmic Differentiation. In D. Petcu, V. Negru, D. Zaharie, and T. Jebelean, editors, Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, SYNASC04, Timisoara, Romania, September 26-30, 2004, pages 295-306, Timisoara, 2004. MIRTON. [ .html ]

A. Sandu, W. Liao, G. R. Carmichael, D. Henze, J. H. Seinfeld, T. Chai, and D. Daescu. Computational aspects of data assimilation for areosol dynamics. In P. M. A. Sloot, C. J. K. Tan, J. J. Dongarra, and A. G. Hoekstra, editors, Computational Science - ICCS 2004: 4th International Conference, Kraków, Poland, June 6-9, 2004, Proceedings, Part III, volume 3038 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 709-716, Berlin, 2004. Springer. [ DOI | http ]

D.N. Daescu and G.R. Carmichael. An adjoint sensitivity method for the adaptive location of the observations in air quality modeling. J. Atmos. Sci., 60(2):434-450, 2003. [ .pdf ]

E. Galanti and E. Tziperman. A midlatitude-enso teleconnection mechanism via baroclinically unstable long rossby waves. Journal Of Physical Oceanography, 33(9):1877-1888, 2003. [ http | .pdf ]

The group first used TAMC and then switched to TAF

M. Hinze and T. Slawig. Adjoint gradients compared to gradients from algorithmic differentiation in instataneous control of the Navier-Stokes equations. Optimization Methods & Software, 18(3):299-315, 2003.

Y.Q. Zhu, R. Todling, J. Guo, S.E. Cohn, I.M. Navon, and Y. Yang. The geos-3 retrospective data assimilation system: The 6-hour lag case. Mon. Wea. Rev., 131(9):2129-2150, 2003. [ http | .ps ]

Part of the model's adjoint was hand written and part by TAMC

B. Ferron and J. Marotzke. Impact of 4D-variational assimilation of WOCE hydrography on the meridional circulation of the Indian Ocean. Deep-Sea Res., 50(12-13):2005-2021, 2003. [ http | .pdf ]

TAMC is used to generate the model's adjoint and Hessian code

V. Bugnion, C. Hill, and P. Stone. Adjoint analysis of merdional overturning sensitivity to wind stress forcing. In Proceedings of 13th Conference on Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics. American Meteorological Society, 2003. [ http | http ]

A. Köhl and J. Willebrand. Variational assimilation of SSH variability from TOPEX/POSEIDON and ERS1 into an eddy-permitting model of the North Atlantic. J. Geophys. Res., 108(C3):doi:10.1029/2001JC000982, 2003. [ http ]

C. Rödenbeck, S. Houweling, M. Gloor, and M. Heimann. Time-dependent atmospheric co2 inversions based on interannually varying tracer transport. Tellus Ser. B-Chem. Phys. Meteorol., 55(2):488-497, 2003. [ .html ]

C. Rödenbeck, S. Houweling, M. Gloor, and M. Heimann. Co2 flux history 1982-2001 inferred from atmospheric data using a global inversion of atmospheric transport. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 3:1919-1964, 2003. [ .html | .pdf ]

V. Barth. Integrated Assessment of Climate Change Using Structural Dynamic Models. Examensarbeit, Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie, Hamburg, Germany, 2003. [ .html | .pdf ]

B.Y. Huang, P.H. Stone, and C. Hill. Sensitivities of deep-ocean heat uptake and heat content to surface fluxes and subgrid-scale parameters in an ocean general circulation model with idealized geometry. J. Geophys. Res.-Oceans, 108(C1):art. no.-3015, 2003. [ http ]

B.Y. Huang, P.H. Stone, A.P. Sokolov, and I.V. Kamenkovich. The deep-ocean heat uptake in transient climate change. J. Clim., 16(9):1352-1363, 2003. [ http ]

X. Li and C. Wunsch. Constraining the north atlantic circulation with transient tracer observations. Journal Of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 108(C10), 2003.

X.W. Li and C. Wunsch. Constraining the north atlantic circulation between 4.5 degrees s and 39.5 degrees n with transient tracer observations. Journal Of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 108(C10), 2003.

A. Benedetti, G.L. Stephens, and T. Vukicevic. Variational assimilation of radar reflectivities in a cirrus model. i: Model description and adjoint sensitivity studies. Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 129(587):277-300, 2003. [ http ]

D.J. Seo, V. Koren, and N. Cajina. Real-time variational assimilation of hydrologic and hydrometeorological data into operational hydrologic forecasting. J. Hydrometeorol., 4(3):627-641, 2003. [ http ]

D.J. Seo, V. Koren, and N. Cajina. Real-time assimilation of radar-based precipitation data and streamflow observations into a distributed hydrologic model. In Yasuto Tachikawa, Baxter E. Vieux, Konstantine P. Georgakakos, and Eiichi Nakakita, editors, Weather Radar Information and Distributed Hydrological Modelling, Proceedings of Symposium HS03 held during IUGG2003 at Sapporo, July 2003, number 282 in IAHS Publ., pages 138-142, 2003. [ http ]

D.J. Seo, V. Koren, and S. Reed. Improving a priori estimates of hydraulic parameters in a distributed routing model via variational assimilation of long-term streamflow data. In Yasuto Tachikawa, Baxter E. Vieux, Konstantine P. Georgakakos, and Eiichi Nakakita, editors, Weather Radar Information and Distributed Hydrological Modelling, Proceedings of Symposium HS03 held during IUGG2003 at Sapporo, July 2003, number 282 in IAHS Publ., pages 109-113, 2003. [ http ]

S. Masuda, T. Awaji, N. Sugiura, Y. Ishikawa, K. Baba, K. Horiuchi, and N. Komori. Improved estimates of the dynamical state of the north pacific ocean from a 4 dimensional variational data assimilation. Geophysical Research Letters, 30(16), 2003. [ http ]

T. Kaminski, W. Knorr, P. Rayner, and M. Heimann. Assimilating atmospheric data into a terrestrial biosphere model: A case study of the seasonal cycle. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 16(4):14-1-14-16, 2002. [ http | .ps.gz | .pdf ]

F.-X. LeDimet, I.M. Navon, and D.N. Daescu. Second order information in data assimilation. Mon. Wea. Rev., 130(3):629-648, 2002. [ .pdf ]

T. Nehrkorn, G. D. Modica, M. Cemiglia, F. H. Ruggiero, J. G. Michalakes, and X. Zou. 4DVAR Development Using an Automatic Code Generator: Application to MM5v3. In Proceedings of Twelfth PSU/NCAR Mesoscale Model Users' Workshop, Boulder, California, USA, 2002. National Center for Atmospheric Research. [ .html | .pdf ]

F. H. Ruggiero, G. D. Modica, T. Nehrkorn, M. Cemiglia, J. G. Michalakes, and X. Zou. MM5-Based 4DVAR: Current Status and Future Plans. In Proceedings of Twelfth PSU/NCAR Mesoscale Model Users' Workshop, Boulder, California, USA, 2002. National Center for Atmospheric Research. [ .html | .pdf ]

E. Galanti, E. Tziperman, M. Harrison, A. Rosati, R. Giering, and Z. Sirkes. The equatorial thermocline outcropping - a seasonal control on the tropical pacific ocean-atmosphere instability. J. Climate, 15(19):2721-2739, 2002. [ http | .pdf ]

The paper uses the adjoint of the ocean general circulation model MOM3, also known as the Bryan-Cox model or GFDL model. The group first used TAMC and then switched to TAF

M. Losch, R. Redler, and J. Schröter. Estimating a Mean Ocean State from Hydrography and Sea-Surface Height Data with a Nonlinear Inverse Section Model: Twin Experiments with a Synthetic Dataset. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 32(7):2096-2112, 2002. [ http ]

M. Hinze and T. Slawig. Adjoint gradients compared to gradients from algorithmic differentiation in instataneous control of the Navier-Stokes equations. Preprint 735-2002, Institute of Mathematics, Technische Universität Berlin, 2002. [ .html ]

The authors first used TAMC and then TAF. The model uses an iterative solver, for which, after inserting 5 TAF flow directives, TAF can generate a very efficient adjoint. The TAF generated adjoint is slightly faster than its hand coded counterpart.

R. Giering and T. Kaminski. On the performance of derivative code generated by TAMC. submitted to Optimization Methods and Software, 2002. [ .ps.gz | .pdf ]

K. C. Hall and J. P. Thomas. Sensitivity analysis of coupled aerodynamic/structural dynamic behavior of blade rows. Extended Abstract for the 7th National Turbine Engine High Cycle Fatigue (HCF) Conference, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, 14-17 May 2002, 2002.

A sensitivity analysis using the TAMC generated adjoints of inviscid flow solvers.

S. S. Collis, K. Ghayour, M. Heinkenschloss, M. Ulbrich, and S. Ulbrich. Optimal control of unsteady compressible viscous flows. Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids, 40(11):1401-1429, 2002. [ .html ]

D. J. Lea, M. R. Allen, T. W. N. Haine, and J. Hansen. Sensitivity analysis of the climate of a chaotic ocean circulation model. Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 128(586):2587-2605, 2002. [ http ]

S. Li and L. Petzold. Description of DASPKADJOINT: An Adjoint Sensitivity Solver for Differential-Algebraic Equations. Technical report, Department of Computer Science, University of California Santa Barbara, USA, 2002. [ .html | .pdf ]

Documentation of a DAO Solver that uses TAMC generated adjoints

J. Schröter, M. Losch, and Bernadette Sloyan. Impact of the gravity field and steady-state ocean circulation explorer (goce) mission on ocean circulation estimates. volume and heat transports across hydrographic sections. J. Geophys. Res., 107(C2), 2002.

D. Stammer, C. Wunsch, R. Giering, C. Eckert, P. Heimbach, J. Marotzke, A. Adcroft, C. N. Hill, and J. Marshall. The global ocean circulation during 1992-1997, estimated from ocean observations and a general circulation model. J. Geophys. Res., 107(C9):doi:10.1029/2001JC000888, 2002. [ http | .pdf ]

D. Stammer, C. Wunsch, R. Giering, C. Eckert, P. Heimbach, J. Marotzke, A. Adcroft, C. N. Hill, and J. Marshall. Volume, heat and freshwater transports of the global ocean circulation 1992-1997, estimated from a general circulation model constrained by WOCE data. J. Geophys. Res., page doi:10.1029/2001JC001115, 2002. [ http | .pdf ]

D. Stammer, C. Wunsch I Fukumori, and J. Marshall. State Estimation in Modern Oceanographic Research. EOS, Transactions, 83(27):289 & 294-295, 2002.

A. Adcroft, J.-M. Campin, P. Heimbach, C. Hill, and J. Marshall. The MITgcm. Online documentation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, 2002. [ http | .pdf ]

The manual of the MITgcm contains a chapter on Automatic Differentiation of the model. The ECCO consortium applied TAMC first and has now switched to TAF.

M. Ulbrich. Nonsmooth Newton-like Methods for Variational Inequalities and Constrained Optimization Problems in Function Spaces, Habilitationsschrift. Fakultät für Mathematik, Technische Universität München, Germany, 2002. [ http | .pdf ]

S. Ulbrich. Optimal Control of Nonlinear Hyperbolic Conservation Laws with Source Terms , Habilitationsschrift. Fakultät für Mathematik, Technische Universität München, Germany, 2002. [ .ps.gz ]

M. Tadjouddine, S. A. Forth, and J. D. Pryce. AD tools and prospects for optimal AD in CFD flux Jacobian calculations. In George Corliss, Christèle Faure, Andreas Griewank, Laurent Hascoët, and Uwe Naumann, editors, Automatic Differentiation of Algorithms: From Simulation to Optimization, Computer and Information Science, chapter 30, pages 255-261. Springer, New York, NY, 2002. [ .html | .ps.gz | .pdf ]

Y. Cao, S. Li, and L. Petzold. Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis for Differential-Algebraic Equations: Algorithms and Software. J. Comput. Appl. Math., 149(1):171-191, 2002. [ .html | .ps | .pdf ]

M. Zupanski, D. Zupanski, D.F. Parrish, E. Rogers, and G. Dimego. Four-dimensional variational data assimilation for the blizzard of 2000. Mon. Wea. Rev., 130(8):1967-1988, 2002. [ http ]

D. Zupanski, M. Zupanski, E. Rogers, D.F. Parrish, and G.J. Dimego. Fine-Resolution 4DVAR Data Assimilation For The Great Plains Tornado Outbreak Of 3 May 1999. Weather Forecast., 17(3):506-525, 2002. [ http ]

M. Grecu and E.N. Anagnostou. Use of passive microwave observations in a radar rainfall- profiling algorithm. J. Appl. Meteorol., 41(7):702-715, 2002. [ http ]

DJ McGillicuddy and A. Bucklin. Intermingling of two Pseudocalanus species on Georges Bank. Journal of Marine Research, 60(4):583-604, 2002. [ http ]

Uses the TAMC-generated adjoint of the marine biogeochemistry model described in Mcgillicuddy et al. (1998).

T. Kaminski and M. Heimann. Inverse modeling of atmospheric carbon dioxide fluxes. Science, 294(5541):259, 2001. [ http | .ps.gz ]

T. Kaminski, P. Rayner, M. Heimann, and I. Enting. On aggregation errors in atmospheric transport inversions. J. Geophys. Res., 106(D5):4703, 2001. [ .ps.gz | .pdf ]

T. Nehrkorn, G. D. Modica, M. Cemiglia, F. H. Ruggiero, J. G. Michalakes, and X. Zou. MM5 adjoint development using TAMC: Experiences with an automatic code generator. In Proceedings of 14th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction, pages 481-484. American Meteorological Society, 2001. [ http | http ]

F. H. Ruggiero, G. D. Modica, T. Nehrkorn, M. Cemiglia, J. G. Michalakes, and X. Zou. A MM5-Based Four-Dimensional Variational Analysis System Developed for Distributed Memory Multiprocessor Computers. In Proceedings of 14th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction. American Meteorological Society, 2001. [ http | http ]

S. S. Collis, K. Ghayour, M. Heinkenschloss, M. Ulbrich, and S. Ulbrich. Towards Adjoint-Based Methods for Aeroacoustic Control. IAAA Paper 2001-0821, AIAA, Reston Va, USA, 2001. [ .pdf ]

K. Fennel, M. Losch, J. Schröter, and M. Wenzel. Testing a marine ecosystem model: Sensitivity analysis and parameter optimization. Journal of Marine Systems, 28:45-63, 2001.

TAMC is used to generate the model's adjoint and Hessian code

Y. Tang and W.W. Hsieh. Coupling neural networks to incomplete dynamical systems via variational data assimilation. Mon. Wea. Rev., 129:818-834, 2001. [ http | .pdf ]

T. Lee, B. Cheng, and R. Giering. Adjoint sensitivity of Indonesian throughflow transport to wind stress: application to interannual variability. Technical Report 11, The ECCO Consortium, 2001. [ .pdf ]

Q. Errera and D. Fonteyn. Four-dimensional variational chemical assimilation of CRISTA stratospheric measurements. J. Geophys. Res., 106(D11):12,253-12,265, 2001. [ .pdf ]

M. M. Junge and T.W.N. Haine. Mechanisms of North Atlantic wintertime Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies. J. Climate, 14:4560-4572, 2001. [ .pdf ]

R. Blinken and K.R. Koch. Geoid and sea surface topography derived from ers-1 altimeter data by the adjoint method. Stud. Geophys. Geod., 45(3):235-250, 2001. [ http ]

T. Vukicevic, M. Steyskal, and M. Hecht. Properties of advection algorithms in the context of variational data assimilation. Mon. Wea. Rev., 129(5):1221-1231, 2001. [ http ]

H. Elbern and H. Schmidt. Ozone episode analysis by four-dimensional variational chemistry data assimilation. J. Geophys. Res., 106(D4):3569-3590, 2001.

S. Blessing. Development and applications of an adjoint GCM. Master's thesis, University of Hamburg, Germany, 2000. [ .pdf ]

T. Lee, J.-P. Boulanger, A. Foo, L.-L. Fu, and R. Giering. Data assimilation into an intermediate coupled ocean-atmosphere model: application to the 1997-98 El Nino. J. Geophys. Res., 105(C11):26,063-26,088, 2000.

R. Giering. Tangent linear and adjoint biogeochemical models. In Prasad S. Kasibhatla, editor, Inverse Methods in Global Biogeochemical Cycles, volume 114, pages 33-48. American Geophysical Union, 2000. [ .ps | .pdf ]

D. J. Lea, M. R. Allen, and T. W. N. Haine. Sensitivity analysis of the climate of a chaotic system. Tellus, 52A:523-532, 2000. [ .html | .ps ]

D. Stammer. Climate Applications of Oceanographic Satellite Observations. In Proceedings of SAF Training Workshop - Climate Monitoring, Dresden, Germany, 2000, 2000. [ http | .pdf ]

D. Stammer. Ocean state estimation in support of CLIVAR and GODAE. CLIVAR Exchanges Newsletter, 5(3), 2000. [ .pdf ]

T. F. Coleman, F. Santosa, and A. Verma. Efficient calculation of Jacobian and Adjoint Vector products in Wave propagational inverse problem using Automatic Differentiation. J. Comp. Phys., 157:234-255, 2000.

D. Fonteyn, Q. Errera, M. De Mazière, G. Franssens, and D. Fussen. 4D-Var assimilation of stratospheric aerosol properties using aerosol extinction satellite data. Adv. Space Res., 26:2049-2052, 2000. [ .ps.gz ]

D.N. Daescu and G.R. Carmichael. Coupled Transport-Chemistry Computations in 4D-Var Data Assimilation for Air Pollution Models. In IMA Workshop, Atmospheric Modeling, March 15-19, 2000 Minneapolis, volume IMA Volume 130. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 2000. [ .ps ]

D.N. Daescu, G.R. Carmichael, and A. Sandu. Adjoint Implementation of Rosenbrock Methods Applied to Variational Data Assimilation Problems. J. Comput. Phys., 165(2):496-510, 2000. [ .pdf ]

G. J. van Oldenborgh. What caused the onset of the 1997/98 El Ni. Mon. Wea. Rev., 128(7):2601-2607, 2000. [ .html | .ps.gz | .pdf ]

A. Köhl and J. Willebrand. Variational assimilation of SSH variance from TOPEX/POSEIDON and ERS1 into an eddy-permitting model of the North Atlantic. CLIVAR Exchanges Newsletter, 5(3), 2000. [ .pdf ]

A. Köhl and J. Willebrand. An adjoint method for the assimilation of statistical characteristics into eddy-resolving ocean models. Tellus, 54A:406-425, 2000.

M. Heimann and T. Kaminski. Inverse modeling approaches to infer surface trace gas fluxes from observed atmospheric mixing ratios. In A. F. Bouwman, editor, Approaches to scaling of trace gas fluxes in ecosystems, chapter 14, pages 275-295. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1999. [ http | .ps.gz | .pdf ]

T. Kaminski, M. Heimann, and R. Giering. A coarse grid three dimensional global inverse model of the atmospheric transport, 1, Adjoint model and Jacobian matrix. J. Geophys. Res., 104(D15):18,535-18,553, 1999. [ .ps.gz | .pdf ]

T. Kaminski, M. Heimann, and R. Giering. A coarse grid three dimensional global inverse model of the atmospheric transport, 2, Inversion of the transport of CO2 in the 1980s. J. Geophys. Res., 104(D15):18,555-18,581, 1999. [ .ps.gz | .pdf ]

S. Houweling, T. Kaminski, Frank Dentener, Jos Lelieveld, and M. Heimann. Inverse modelling of methane sources and sinks using the adjoint of a global transport model. J. Geophys. Res., 104(D21):26,137-26,160, 1999. [ .ps.gz | .pdf ]

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